Senior Citizens Care Center in Madurai

Senior Citizens homes in Madurai

Senior citizens Home or elderly daycare center is typically a non-residential facility that supports the healthnutritionalsocial, and daily living needs of adults in a professionally staffed, group setting. These facilities provide adults with transitional care and short-term rehabilitation following hospital discharge.The majority of centers provide meals, meaningful activities, and general supervision. The care provided is often a social model (focusing on socialisation and prevention services) or a medical model (including skilled assessment, treatment and rehabilitation goals) provided in order to improve participants health and guide their progress in the right direction.[1] Demand for adult daycare centers is increasing with the need for assistance in old age or guidance to reintegrate into society after injuryillness or addiction, and accommodation to return to their former lives or improve upon their quality of life

Ageing accelerates six times among the elderly who are lonely. Loneliness drastically affects physical as well as mental health. Chances of getting dementia and depression are quite high. They are susceptible to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and arthritis as they are languishing alone inside the house without any physical activity. Being alone during the day does not guarantee safety. This centre offers support to overcome all these issues and helps elders spend their time in a pleasant manner.

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